
PÜSCHEL Modules were developed from practice for practical situations. Every single module from the PÜSCHEL construction kit embodies top quality and precision – and that is what “Made by PÜSCHEL” stands for.

As a result of interaction, the modules form part of the PÜSCHEL solutions for automated assembly and are in worldwide use.

PÜSCHEL Automation - Modules for feeding technology

Feeding technology

PÜSCHEL Automation - Modules for feeding technology

Handling technology

PÜSCHEL modular system - More than the sum of its modules

The PÜSCHEL construction kit – more than the sum of its parts

PÜSCHEL has continued to develop the construction kit principle in order to achieve maximum precision in the field of automation. Our in-house manufactured construction kit forms a tried-and-tested and extremely compatible basis for plant engineering.

This is how we solve complex challenges in the simplest way possible.

Our customers benefit from our many years of experience of developing, constructing and manufacturing the construction kit and the high-quality technologies which are the result. Together we refine the best possible interaction to ensure that the total becomes more than the sum of its parts: tomorrow’s solutions for which we are already being careful in the way that we use energy, resources and processes.


PÜSCHEL Solutions are always tailor-made, economical and safe. They are the result of the synergy which arises from our customers’ product know-how and the PÜSCHEL team’s automation know-how.

PÜSCHEL solutions function across a range of industries and are based on our tried-and-tested modules.

PÜSCHEL Automation - Robot solutions as a useful supplement to production automation

Robot solutions

PÜSCHEL Automation - Rotary transfer assembly machines for efficient and powerful assembly processes

Rotary automatic
assembly machines

PÜSCHEL Automation - Longitudinal transfer assembly machines for efficient and powerful assembly processes

Linear transfer automatic assembly machines