Make progress easy

These three words are at the heart of what we do. For more than 55 years we at PÜSCHEL have been making consistent progress in the automation sector – day after day, year after year. While doing this, we always focus on our customers’ needs and find the right innovative solutions for them. Our solutions incorporate progress, using teamwork and in every module.

As a family-run company, we have a lot of experience in many sectors, from automotive, electrical, electronic, medical and furniture, to plastics and sanitary, and we understand the special requirements.

We make use of all our knowledge and expertise in order to develop a simple, secure and safe solution for our customers.

Why is it so important to keep things simple? We see simplicity as an opportunity to minimise risks and to create advantages, because machines which are easy to operate have few weak points.

Our “construction kit” is the mainstay of our automation systems. It is the basis for the modular approach. By using our modules, our customers never start from zero, so from the very beginning they can concentrate on what is important to them.

Listening, understanding, and a direct link – these are what is essential about our cooperation. The ideal solution comes about when a customer’s idea and PÜSCHEL’s experienced team come together. A combination of well-founded know-how, the ability to see the bigger picture, and our love for detail – that’s what it takes.

From the original idea to implementation: We think it through from start to finish.

The PÜSCHEL philosophy - Progress - Making it easy

The values we believe in

Our philosophy has always been to implement solutions in the easiest possible ways, because this is how we reduce risks for our customers. Fifty years ago we started with a flexible construction kit which allows both standard solutions and made-to-measure systems for automation. Our customers’ requirements are the decisive factors.

From the start, an experienced team of engineers, developers and technicians is at your side. The goal is to find the best solution possible – precision and product quality at the very highest level.
To achieve this, we plan, develop, manufacture, assemble, program and install customer-specific automation systems.

PÜSCHEL Automation - Cornelia Püschel Portrait

By taking a critical and constructive approach, we imagine and then put together what belongs together: standard and customers’ specific requirements, know-how and skills, production plants and service. For our customers, and together with our customers, day after day we confront the technical challenges and adapt our knowledge, so that what is tried-and-tested becomes what is innovative.
Of course, in doing all this, we provide answers to important future challenges such as energy-efficient plants or the increased use of processes which conserve resources.

So what does this mean for you? The answer is that, above all, you can expect a good deal from us in order to design and create the progress that you want.
This is what we mean by our “Made by PÜSCHEL” promise of quality. Keeping this promise is a matter of honour for us.

You will find in our brochure everything that you need for your progress – and also how to contact us directly. Let’s get on with it – and best of all, together! 

Cornelia PÜSCHEL


Modules & Solutions